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Monaco signs the Amending Protocol updating the European Convention on the Protection of Personal Data

On 10 October 2018, at the Council of Europe, in Strasbourg, Monaco signed with 20 other States the Protocol of Amendment to the Convention for the Protection of individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data at international level.

This Convention, which was opened for signature in 1981 and currently has 53 States Parties, is the only legally binding international instrument of worldwide scope giving individuals the right to the protection of their personal data and preventing any misuse of the automated processing of such data. data.

It deals with the problems that the use of new information and communication technologies pose in terms of respect for privacy.


The Protocol modernises the Convention and aims to strengthen the principles of data protection in an ever more digital and globalized world.

It will ensure greater control of their data by individuals and provide states with a clear regime for cross-border data flows.