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Adoption of the resolution on sport as a factor for sustainable development

Monaco addresses the General Assembly Seventy-third session, 44th plenary meeting Sport for development and peace
S.E. Isabelle Picco, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of the Principality of Monaco to the United Nations, spoke at the 73rd United Nations General Assembly. It was held on Monday, 3rd December, as part of the day-to-day review of “Sport in the service of sustainable development “.

On this occasion, the resolution was adopted by consensus, the new title of which is “sport as a factor for sustainable development”, for which 97 States have become co-sponsors.

In her speech, the Ambassador paid tribute to the work of the IOC and its contribution to the actions of the United Nations, mentioning, in particular, the first Forum “Olympism in Action” held in Buenos Aires, the day before the opening of the Youth Olympic Games on 5 and 6 October 2018.


She recalled the joint work done by the delegations of Tunisia and Monaco, co-chairs of the Group of Friends of Sport, whose activities have grown as a result of the Secretary-General’s decision not to appoint a new Special Envoy.

During the past year, both Missions held monthly working meetings between the Member States and relevant United Nations entities (UNDP, UN Women, Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Youth and finally the Department of Public Information public).

The Ambassador also mentioned the many activities in which the Monaco Mission took part. Notably in the framework of the celebration of the International Sports Day and the High-Level Political Forum. As well as for the promotion of the role of sport in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals.