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NGO that protects children from the dangers of the Internet harvests nearly €175,000 after auction

The prince came to support the sale of Action Innocence organized by Louisette Levy-Soussan Azzoaglio
Louisette Levy-Soussan Azzoaglio is the president of Action Innocence, an NGO that has been fighting for 16 years to preserve the dignity and integrity of children on the Internet. He was delighted by the amount obtained at the end of the auction of 35 Christmas trees under the hammer of Master Lionel Gosset, auctioneer, and the Escaut-Marquet study.

The auction of Christmas trees will continue to raise awareness of young people to the dangers of the Internet. It was held this Wednesday night at the Hotel de Paris in the presence of Prince Albert II.

“€174,800, I think, if not a record, at least the second biggest sale!”

 “One of the most beautiful sales”

Among the trees that adorned the hall of the Hotel de Paris, decorated by large houses of Monaco or personalities of the Principality, all genres were allowed. Of the most modern, like the one in plexiglass with the inclusion of stamps of the Club of the Foreign Residents of Monaco, that also president Louisette Levy-Soussan Azzoaglio; at the most traditional, like that of the Constantinian Order of St. George.

It must be said that there was a crowd around Prince Albert II and Prince Charles Bourbon Two Sicilies accompanied by his daughters, Maria Carolina and Maria Chiara.

Visibly happy guests to meet together, just a few days before the end of year celebrations. “It was one of the best sales,” says Louisette Levy-Soussan Azzoaglio. “The atmosphere was friendly and warm, and I am delighted that the amount of money collected at this time of the year makes it possible to fund the association in almost -total because we have no government subsidy. ”

Encourage critical thinking

Since its creation in 2002, the association has had to follow the dizzying ascent of the internet and social networks.

“We work a lot in the schools in agreement with the National Education”, underlines the president of the association. “We must encourage the good sense and the critical sense of the young people. At the moment when everything presents itself to them, the children and teenagers are more sensitive people, and life on the internet is not always rosy. Our board is doing a lot of work, and we need to convince parents and children.” 

Moreover, the actions have been numerous for sixteen years. An example: more than 2,600 interventions were conducted in Monegasque and French schools during the 2017-2018 school year.