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Government and Sciences Po sensitise students to vulnerable children as part of Winter School

The 130 first-year students of Sciences-Po Paris Campus Menton surround Mr. Gilles Tonelli, Government Counselor-Minister of External Relations and Cooperation, Dr. Xavier Emmanuelli, Founder of Samusocial, Dr. Kamel Mohanna, President Amel Lebanon Association, Marie Chuberre, Director of Samusocial International, Bénédicte Schutz, Director of International Cooperation, and Bernard El Ghoul, Campus Director.
From 21st to 25th January, for the 5th consecutive year, the Directorate of International Cooperation (DCI) organised on the Middle East-Mediterranean Campus of Sciences Po Paris in Menton, the “Winter School”, a week of thematic lessons aimed at sensitising first-year students and creating vocations.

A free opportunity to promote Monaco’s international image, this year’s Winter School had the theme “Vulnerable Children in Africa and the ANMO Zone”. The partners of the Monegasque Cooperation have declined this theme from different complementary angles:

  • Fundamental principles of child protection
  • Health and nutrition
  • A childhood without family support
  • A particular focus on vulnerable children in Lebanon.

The speakers, all recognized actors in the world of cooperation and development, came from both local NGOs such as:

  • Tahaddi in Lebanon
  • Bayti in Morocco
  • SamuSocial Malian

and International Organizations such as:

  • The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
  • The World Food Program (WFP)
  • The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
  • The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA).

During 5 days of roundtables, conferences and thematic workshops, around 130 students from over 40 nationalities of the Sciences Po campus in Menton were able to learn about the fundamentals of development aid and the specific challenges of vulnerable theme childhood. The Monegasque Cooperation intends to transfer knowledge and create vocations for these future leaders to serve vulnerable populations in developing countries.

To close this 5th Winter School, in the presence of Mr. Gilles Tonelli, Government Counselor-Minister of External Relations and Cooperation, Dr. Xavier Emmanuelli, founder of Samusocial of Paris and Samusocial International, former Secretary of State French Humanitarian Action, exposed the condition of children in exile.