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Installation of the Heritage Council

Photo credit: © Manuel Vitali / Directorate of Communication
The Heritage Council was installed this week by Serge Telle, Minister of State. This installation follows the creation by Ordonnance Souveraine No. 6.708 of 11th December 2017 of the Heritage Institute, responsible for the preservation and enhancement of the national heritage.

Placed under the chairmanship of Rainier Boisson, the Heritage Council, composed of ten members, will have the mission of “formulating proposals likely to guide or improve the identification, protection, preservation, promotion, valorisation and the transmission to future generations of the national heritage”.

In particular, the Minister said: “The extent of the qualities of the members will feed the Government’s reflections on this subtle and complex subject. The Council’s proposals will also inform the action of the Heritage Institute “.


In a country, constrained by its small size and continuously rebuilding itself, heritage is a priority for the Government. The Minister of State has thus stated that “as a State with a small territorial dimension, the Principality must remain attentive to preserve what makes it unique in a rapidly changing world”.

The Council is composed of ten members:

  • The Director of Foresight, Urban Planning and Mobility, or his representative under the Department of Equipment, Environment and Urban Planning
  • The Director of Cultural Affairs, or his representative
  • Mr Dominique Bon and Ms Camille Svara, respectively titular and substitute members, on the proposal of the Communal Council
  • The Director of the Museum of Prehistoric Anthropology, or his representative
  • The President of the State Archives Consultative Commission, or his representative
  • Mr. Rainier Boisson and Mr. Cherif Jahlan, respectively titular member and alternate, on the proposal of the Order of Architects
  • Mr. Bernard Notari and Mr. René Croesi, respectively titular member and alternate, on the proposal of the National Committee of Traditions Monegasques
  • Mrs Michèle Dittlot and Mrs Martine Fresia, respectively titular member and alternate, on the proposal of the National Council
  • Mr. Thomas Fouilleron, Director of the Archives and the Palais Library
  • Delphine Lacaze, Regional Curator of Historical Monuments.