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Installation of the Building Innovation Commission

Accompanied by Jean-Luc Nguyen, Director of Public Works, representatives of the State, all public and private actors of construction and concessionaires (telecom, water, electricity) of the Principality, Marie-Pierre Gramaglia, Government Counselor – Minister of Equipment, Environment and Urbanism, earlier this week introduced the kick-off meeting of the Building Innovation Commission.

This commission follows the publication, at the beginning of the year, of the ministerial decrees on the schedules and noises of building sites. Its objectives are:

  • Mobilise and cooperate with construction stakeholders
  • Review the existing practices in Monaco regarding the management of construction nuisances
  • Seeking solutions implemented in similar situations internationally
  • Confronting these solutions with feedback from Monaco’s stakeholders
  • Study the replicability of these solutions in Monaco
  • Decide on the recommendations that will be implemented in Monaco

This commission will be supported by two technical consultants: SETEC energy environment and Bureau Veritas. These two entities will be in charge of performing an audit of existing solutions. And also completing a feasibility/replicability study in Monaco.


During this commission, the Government proposed that noise pollution (construction equipment, work methods, construction techniques) be treated as a priority.

“This approach must allow us to find the best techniques and practices to apply them on our territory. It is important for this Commission to give companies a medium and long-term vision and to enable them to know the expected changes in terms of resources and organisation. All this can be a real opportunity for Monegasque companies who will be able to propose relevant solutions to the State, within the framework of the logic of awarding public works contracts to the best bid,” said Marie-Pierre Gramaglia during her introductory speech.

Coordinated by the Directorate of Public Works, the Building Innovation Commission should meet at regular intervals. The next plenary meeting of the Commission is scheduled for July 2019.