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Participation of SICCFIN in the Plenary Assembly of the FATF

A representative of the Control Information Service on Financial Circuits (SICCFIN), Jean-Marc Gualandi participated, as a member of the MONEYVAL Committee delegation, in the Plenary Assembly of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF). It took place in Paris from 17 to 22 February.

The main objective of the FATF, established in 1989, is to combat money laundering, terrorist financing and other related threats to the integrity of the international financial system, including through the development of standards, and regulatory.

It also monitors the progress made by its members in implementing the required measures, examines money laundering and terrorist financing techniques and measures to combat such phenomena, and encourages the adoption and implementation of adequate measures at the global level. In collaboration with other international actors, the FATF also identifies vulnerabilities at the country level to protect the international financial sector against its use for illicit purposes.


At this plenary meeting, delegates worked on many topics such as virtual asset risk mitigation, the approval of several guidance documents related to the application of the risk-based approach to certain professions, reviewing the China and Finland Mutual Evaluation Reports and updating the lists of countries with strategic AML / CFT deficiencies.

During his stay in Paris, the SICCFIN representative was also received at the Monaco Embassy by Mr Christophe Steiner, Monaco’s Ambassador to France.