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1st meeting of the Committee for the Promotion and Protection of Women’s Rights

The Committee for the Promotion and Protection of Women’s Rights met this morning for the International Women’s Rights Day. It was held in the presence of President Mr. Gilles Tonelli, Government Counselor – Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation as well as members of the Committee.

This meeting was an opportunity to draw up an initial assessment of the actions undertaken since the Committee’s installation on 30 November.

In his speech, Gilles Tonelli reminded us of the context and the international stakes of the Committee “which, he said, one of the missions will be to coordinate the implementation of the commitments that the Principality makes in the framework of conventions to which she’s gone.”


For her part, Céline Cottalorda, delegate for the promotion and protection of women’s rights, presented a summary of the state of play and the main expectations of the field.

Also, Sophie Vincent, Director of IMSEE, made a progress report on ongoing studies concerning the measurement of possible wage inequalities between women and men and the setting up of indicators on violence against women.

This meeting also announced the immediate launch of four measures:

  • The creation of a social platform dedicated to the Committee
  • Grants for associations working for women’s rights
  • The tabling of a bill on the extension of maternity leave from 16 to 18 weeks
  • A legal study to update the regulatory texts containing obsolete provisions.

Thematic working groups were established to allow the participants to meet regularly and advance women’s rights.

Thus, the following themes have been retained with the following missions to implement:

  • Vocational training group: Strengthen vocational training actions for the reception of victims
  • Prevention / Education Group: Promoting Gender Equality by Raising Awareness to All Audiences
  • Communication / Awareness Group: Create a website dedicated to the committee and women’s rights
  • Study and Statistics Group: Continue studies on wages and violence

This work will be the subject of a follow-up and a review which will be discussed at the next meeting of the Committee. It will take place before the end of 2019.

Representatives of the relevant government authorities attended the meeting, the Directorate of Judicial Services, the elected members of the National Council and the City Council, the High Commissioner for the Protection of Rights, Freedoms and Mediation, the Council Economic and Social Affairs and representatives of associations working for women’s rights.