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Bilateral Cooperation Commission between Mali and Monaco

As part of the strengthening of relations of friendship and cooperation between the two countries, the second meeting of the Bilateral Commission between the Republic of Mali and Monaco was held in the Principality on March 15, 2019.

The Malian delegation, led by Ms. Kamissa Camara, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, was able to exchange during her stay with the Monegasque structures of the public and private sector partners of Mali.

Within the context of the 2011 Co-operation Framework Agreement between the two countries, this second meeting of the bilateral commission follows the working visit of Mr. Gilles Tonelli, Government Counselor-Minister of External Relations and Cooperation, in Bamako in April 2017. This commission has made it possible to strengthen the relations of friendship and cooperation between the Republic of Mali and the Principality of Monaco, to draw up the balance sheet of the Cooperation initiated in 2006 and to consider new avenues for partnerships.


The support of the Prince’s Government in Mali has, over the past three years, improved the living conditions of 136,000 people, mainly targeting children, young people and women.

Mrs Kamissa Camara and Mr Gilles Tonelli signed two memoranda of understanding in the field of civil protection and support for vulnerable children, in the presence of Mr Patrice Cellario, Government Counselor-Minister of the Interior, Colonel Tony Varo, Commander Superior of the Public Force, and Colonel Tiecoura Samake, Deputy Director of the Civil Protection of Mali.

During the two days of work, the Malian delegation visited and exchanged with the Monaco partner organisations of the Prince’s Government in Mali: the Cardio-Thoracic Center of Monaco, the Princess Grace Hospital, the Technical and Hotel High School and the Emergency Center Main Staff of the Fire Brigade Corps. She also met the Monegasque private sector at a reception with members of the Monaco Economic Board and CEMA (Club of Monegasque Entrepreneurs in Africa).