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China announces that it will invest 1 billion euros over 5 years for environment

The Clean Technology Development Conference last week featured announcements of the Chinese government’s major investments for the planet. For its 12th edition, the Monaco CleanEquity conference was the scene of two significant evolutions in terms of environmental protection.

Monaco CleanEquity is an event that brings together clean, or at least more sustainable technology entrepreneurs, policymakers, and investment and finance professionals. The goal is to accelerate the development of clean technologies and industries.


And who better to launch the 12th edition of this major event, than the former Secretary General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-Moon, still called today SG Ban. He was in charge at the time of COP21 and the Paris Agreements, which set sustainable development goals by 2030.


In his speech, he praised Prince Albert II’s “visionary patronage” and “longstanding advocacy efforts” in the area of environmental protection.

The previous edition ended with two announcements: the creation of a Nobel Prize for Sustainable Development, and a green investment bank.

Since then, Mungo Park, head of Innovator Capital, Monaco Cleanequity’s organising company, and Prince Albert II, have worked hard to make them come true.


The Nobel Prize is a prize awarded in certain disciplines, created at the request of Alfred Nobel, inventor of dynamite, and financed with the fortune he left behind him at his death in 1896. At that time, sustainable development was not on the agenda. A Nobel Prize does not reward this discipline.

This shortcoming will soon be filled, thanks to the participation of the Nobel Sustainability Trust, headed by Professor Michael Nobel, great-grand-nephew of Alfred Nobel. A Nobel Prize for Sustainability (Sustainability Nobel Award) will be awarded soon.

Zhu Huiye, vice president of the Investment Association of China, an official body of the Chinese government, said he would support by establishing a subsidiary in Beijing, and hosting the first three ceremonies. Michael Nobel’s attention: “The Nobel Sustainability Trust appreciates China’s support for our desire to accelerate human ingenuity for a sustainable future. “


To meet Sustainable Development Goals 9 ( Building a resilient infrastructure, promoting sustainable industrialisation that benefits all and encouraging innovation ) and 17 ( Partnerships for Achieving Goals ), China has proposed, always through Zhu Huiye, his participation in the sustainable investment bank called SFIC (Sustainable Finance & Investment Corporation).

And not just any participation: the Chinese state will invest not less than 1 billion euros over the next three to five years. This contribution will be financed by the local governments of the Chinese provinces and the big companies of the country.

At Monaco Cleanequity, the Prince Albert II Foundation has signed a partnership with the SkyPower Group, which is committed to supporting the Foundation’s projects and initiatives in the promotion of renewable energies and access to water to contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Led by Kerry Adler, Skypower Group is the world leader in solar panels. Established in 60 countries, it has included in its business model the redistribution of its revenues to environmental causes.