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Ettore Spalletti presents “Ombre d’azur, transparence” at the Villa Paloma

Ettore Spalletti presents Ombre d'azur, transparence at the Villa Paloma
Ettore Spalletti presents Ombre d'azur, transparence at the Villa Paloma

The New National Museum of Monaco is presenting a new project by artist Ettore Spalletti until November 3rd. Specially designed for the Villa Paloma, it consists of a thirty-piece course divided into seven atmospheres across the three floors of the building.

The exhibition showcases all aspects of Ettore Spalletti’s work through the presentation of new works combined with historical works from his studio or important private collections. Strongly inspired by the landscapes of his native Pescara, an Italian province between the Adriatic Sea and the Abruzzo mountains, his work at Villa Paloma exhibits a chromatic palette of pastel shades composed of white, pink, gray, azure, and gold.

Through his “atmospheres” (installed by his own hand), Ettore Spalletti presents Villa Paloma (whose lighting is specially modified for the occasion), in a dialogue between his work and the space that houses them. Meditative, in the image of the technique of its author, and contemplative, the work invites the visitor to explore soft three-dimensional monochrome installations, in a poetic universe where calm, silence, and serenity prevail.


A new documentary dedicated to the artist, lasting 1 hour and 30 minutes is being projected in the Villa Paloma video room, which allows the public to discover his daily life and his practice.

The New National Museum of Monaco presents this new project as part of an exhibition program dedicated to artists who have developed independent research, free of artistic movements or currents, entirely focused on the fusion of arts and practical experience with space.

Lastly, note that admission is free and guided tours are offered to the public every Tuesday between 12:30 am and 2 pm and every Sunday.

*Article originally published on the French edition of the Monaco Tribune.