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Monegasque high school “coup de coeur” reading list revealed!

Monegasque high school coups de coeur reading list revealed!
Monegasque high school coups de coeur reading list revealed!

Six fiction books have been selected by a panel of high school students for “coup de coeur” reading list prize given by the Prince Pierre Foundation of Monaco. The prizes will be named on October 15th at the Salle Garnier.

After the official selection of the authors in contention to receive the Prince Pierre Foundation of Monaco’s literary prize, it is the “Coup de cœur des Lycéens” jury’s turn to unveil its reading list selection. Consisting of second level students from Albert I High School, the hospitality and technical school and the FANB Lycée, this jury met this Thursday at the hospitality and technical CDI school. Together, the students chose David Diop for Frère d’âme(Editions du Seuil), Sarah Magnine for L’atelier (Mercure de France), Hector Mathis for KO (Editions Roman Buchet Chastel), Aurélie Razimbaud for Un été de pierres chaudes  (Editions Albin Michel), andd Laurent Seyer Les poteaux étaient carrés (Finite editions).

The “Coup de coeur” was created in 2007

Doted with funding in 1966 by Prince Rainier III in honor of the memory of his father, Prince Pierre, a well-known servant of the letters and the arts, the Foundation promotes the contemporary arts. Each year, it awards prizes in literature, music and the arts.


The latest of the prizes awarded by the Foundation, the “coup de coeur” was created in 2007 as part of the literary awards. It will be presented on Tuesday, October 15, 2019, at the Salle Garnier, during the Foundation’s award ceremony, which will be held in the presence of its president, Princess Caroline.

In the meantime, the students will meet the authors of the books they have chosen on Wednesday, June 5th, in the new premises of the FANB High School.

*Article originally published on the French edition of the Monaco Tribune.