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A new exhibition by Philippe Pastor at Monaco Modern’Art

A new exhibition by Philippe Pastor at Monaco Modern'Art
A new exhibition by Philippe Pastor at Monaco Modern'Art

With Terre & Métamorphoses, Monegasque artist Philippe Pastor has put together a new exhibition of monumental paintings and breathtaking sculptures. Discover the show at Monaco Modern’Art Gallery until July 26th.

Philippe Pastor, 58, is an artist whose work results from his very personal vision of Nature. What most interests him are all the interactions that exist between Man and his home planet. This is why he transforms living materials (earth, pigments, minerals, plants) into timeless works, representing the role of man in our society, but also in that of a decaying environment. Each painting and each sculpture is a vibrant tribute to nature, denouncing current issues in sustainable development and ecology.

A totally new installation

This is what you’ll find in his brand new exhibition, Terre & Métamorphoses, which can be admired at the Monaco Modern’Art Gallery until July 26th. An exhibition realized in collaboration with the Art & Environment association, presenting two series of monumental paintings by Philippe Pastor, including the one entitled Avec le Temps, with abstract compositions evoking the chaos of Nature when it is unleashed. There are also bronze and iron sculptures never shown to the public, including an astonishing installation, Les Arbres brûlés, started in 2003 and evoking charred trunks of a forest decimated by fire.


Monaco Modern’Art, 27 avenue Princesse G

*Article originally published on the French edition of the Monaco Tribune.