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Princess Caroline of Monaco back in Montauban

Princess Caroline of Monaco back in Montauban
Princess Caroline of Monaco back in Montauban

S.A.R. Princess Caroline of Monaco, sponsor of the 17th Parachute Engineer Regiment of Montauban, was present this Thursday, September 26, after four years of absence, to attend the taking of arms of the Saint-Michel and inaugurate a statue.

Saint Michael is the patron saint of paratroopers and armed forces of the air, which includes the 17th parachute engineer regiment, located in Montauban, Tarn-et-Garonne. Since 2014, their mascot is a bald eagle named Malizia. A nickname of the founder of the Grimaldi dynasty, François Grimaldi, known as François la Malice. It is not for nothing that this new mascot carries a Monegasque reference (the traditional mascot of the regiment being a golden eagle), since it is a vibrant tribute to his sponsor. Indeed, since 2012, the regiment has for sponsor S.A.R. Princess Caroline of Monaco, who participates each year in the traditional take-over of the regiment, which is held on Saint Michael’s Day.

Speeches and demonstrations

A commemoration she had not been able to attend since 2015, but which she celebrated this year, accompanied by Colonel Lamotte, by inaugurating a bronze statue depicting the Minesweeper of Hope, in front of the various civil authorities and military. On the parade ground of the Doumerc district, she notably gave a speech to a thousand soldiers, during which she recalled the strong ties that unite her family and the army, of HSH Prince Louis II to her two sons, Andrea and Pierre Casiraghi, who both did their military training in parachute regiments. She was then able to attend various demonstration jumps. A day under the sign of emotion for both her and the soldiers present.


*Article originally published in the French edition of the Monaco Tribune.