Following training suspension due to the nationwide confinement, AS Monaco players adapt to individual training schedules. Fitness trainer Juanjo Del Ojo and medical Doctor Lluis Til-Pérez explained the principles.
Despite changes, Juanjo Del Ojo remained optimistic of the upcoming weeks of confinement, in anticipation of the later return of France Ligue 1. “It’s a challenge that we have to adapt to, but I’m happy with the dynamic we’ve created and the involvement of all the players and the club’s staff. Everyone is helping to minimise the effects of this situation.”
La Turbie Training Centre will no longer hold the entire team as a group, the group practice having stopped this Monday. The players collected their training schedule from the Centre at different times, carefully prepared by the technical and medical staff for the coming weeks.
Solo training for the team game
Players also took the opportunity to take some training equipment home with them: bikes, kettlebells, heart rate monitors and an application that allows them to follow the content of their training sessions.
“We provided all the players with equipment to meet their needs. Many players took bikes and machines from the Centre to work at home,” says fitness trainer Juanjo Del Ojo.
These schedules have been created in order to work on keeping physically fit while trying to emulate the conditions of a normal training session. This is essential for the player’s physical form.

AS Monaco
Personalised programmes
Coaches have created a specific form of session which is centred around completing objectives to keep motivation high. Given recent losses, the team wishes to keep momentum to improve.
“We work in the form of challenges. Each day, the training is with an objective in mind and each objective achieved earns points. The players are motivated because they want to win, it’s a good formula to maintain fitness. The players react very well.”
While the technical staff had to adapt to the situation by establishing these individual, tailor-made training programs, the medical staff also had to respond to the new situation. Dr. Lluis Til-Pérez explained the day-to-day workings and how the news of the confinement meant quick action.
“First, we gave the players instructions and what they needed to do to protect themselves. An expert in epidemiology also came to meet the group to inform about the coronavirus and answer questions from everyone. Since Monday’s confinement, we continue to be in contact with the players every day to make sure that everything is fine and to be able to take action if there are any special requirements. They also have a personal nutrition plan available.”
A new age of training?
According to Del Ojo there are three main blocks of cardio, warm up and strength. “This part is important to allow players to lose as little muscle tone as possible in preparation for the return to group training.
Coronavirus is truly enhancing the virtual age of work, no matter the industry. Every day the players receive new videos with exercises and examples of how to best execute the exercises. With this difficult context, we also have to make sure that they are easy to implement.”
He assured that although having active players was the most important thing, they were being careful about how they manage the situation. “Marc, our psychologist, is in contact with the players to meet their needs. It’s a unique moment. Obviously, we would prefer to be all together at La Turbie Training Centre, in our facilities.”
AS Monaco will be training individually for the foreseeable future. France Ligue 1 has been postponed for the foreseeable future.