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In brief

Coronavirus: Monaco adopts new measures

monaco covid-19 fermeture

Faced with the progression of the covid-19 epidemic in the countries bordering the Principality, the Princely Government decided to close all “non-essential” public spaces.



Supermarkets and food markets, pharmacies, tobacconists, newsagents, petrol stations and banks will remain open. All other commercial establishments (including restaurants, casinos, cafés, theatres, cinemas and nightclubs) have to apply this measure from midnight Saturday.

Places of worship will remain open. The Princely Government has called on everyone to respect these measures.


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A third positive case revealed in Monaco

The health authorities of the Principality were informed, on Friday 13 March, that a person at the Princess Grace Hospital Centre (CHPG) tested positive for covid-19.

This person had mild symptoms and returned home to self-isolate in accordance with the protocol adopted by the Monegasque authorities. The patient will have a medical follow-up coordinated by the CHPG.

An epidemiological investigation was undertaken in order to find out about the movements made by this resident over the last few days and to identify the people with whom he may have been in contact.

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How to protect yourself and other from getting the new coronavirus