Formula 1 workers will not stop despite confinement

Monaco’s government has had to apply strict health measures affecting public works currently in progress in the Principality. However, construction sites such as the Formula 1 circuit and the port extension at the seafront will not stop. Volunteer employees will ensure continuity while respecting government recommendations.
Work continues on the Formula 1 circuit, the only publicly-owned construction site that is permitted to continue through the current confinement period. It takes place each year in May 24th on the track “Circuit de Monaco.”
According to organisers, the race is going ahead with the plans to build the track still underway.
“At this stage, it is envisaged that only one operation under public contracting authority will derogate from this general rule: the construction on the Quai des Etats-Unis. This work must continue until the decision to postpone or cancel the Formula 1 Grand Prix has been taken, as it will determine whether it can be held in good conditions,” said Marie-Pierre Gramaglia, Monaco’s Minister of Public Works.
The Government of Monaco will take the following measures that will have an effect on the construction sites in the Principality:
- A ministerial decision to indicate the hygiene measures that companies – public or private – will have to respect in the course of their activity: social distancing etc.
- Contracting authorities will have to confirm that they are able to enforce these measures to maintain activity on a building site.
- Checks to ensure that health standards are respected. Any failure to comply with these standards would imply the immediate end of work on the site.
Suspension of construction sites
As far as worksites under public contracting authority are concerned, the Government has decided to suspend them in attempt of limit the current risk of the virus. This applies to worksites which are both controlled directly by the government or delegated to other bodies.
The worksites concerned include various tourist sites across Monaco, the hospital centre as well as all road and public space works.
The offshore land extension project to continue
The offshore extension project, being a privately-run construction site, will continue. “We can’t close construction sites like a wardrobe door,“ Patrice Pastor, president delegate of JB Pastor & Fils in Monaco, stressed to Monaco Matin.
As of next week, the number of employees working on the offshore extension site will drop from over 800 to around 50, all of whom will be volunteers.