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COVID-19 and Nice Côte d’Azur Airport: what you need to know

Aéroport Nice Côte d'Azur coronavirus
© Aéroports de la Côte d'Azur

Air traffic at Nice airport is picking up again with more than 80 destinations now available to fly to. All departures will take place from Terminal 2. Below is some key information to guarantee a safe, calm journey.

Before departure, travellers are advised to find out about the restrictions implaced in the country they are travelling to. If necessary, contact your airline before going to the airport.


A robot that eliminates airborne viruses

Nice Airport, France’s second largest one, has implemented several measures to ensure passengers can travel in safe conditions. Antibacterial gel distribution spots and plexiglass walls to protect staff have been installed, and masks must be worn by all. Signs to ensure that social distance is respected and improvements to the ventilation systems have also been implemented. The airport has also invested in “a unique robot emitting UV light that eliminates viruses suspended in the air or on surfaces”.

Shops and points providing food in Terminal 2 will also be open. Antibacterial gel will be available to travellers in front of each outlet. The Infinity VIP lounge is also already open.