How Monaco’s NMNM plans to get teenagers to engage with contemporary art

For its 4th annual edition, the “Les Apprentis Collectionneurs” (Apprentice Collectors) educational programme accompanied high school students in a trip to buy an artwork for the New National Museum Monaco (NMNM).
This programme, set up in 2017 by the NMNM and supported by SOGEDA (Société pour la Gestion des Droits d’Auteur, or Society for Copright Management) aims to raise awareness among young people about contemporary art and how an art museum works. This year, students from the Lycée François d’Assise-Nicolas Barré and the Lycée Albert I followed a series of meetings, exchanges, visits and workshops about contemporary art.
€10,000 to acquire a work of art
From an online catalogue and with a budget of 10,000 euros, “Les Apprentis Collectionneurs” selected ten works that were presented to a jury composed of Marie-Claude Beaud, Director of the NMNM, Fabienne Grasser-Fulchéri, Director of the Espace de l’Art Concret in Mouans-Sartoux and Björn Dahlström, who will succeed Marie-Claude Beaud in April 2021.
The work selected this year is entitled MMXII, Camphor Cinnamomum Camphora Cape Town, 2012. It is a small cabinet of camphor wood trinkets created by American artist Mark Dion. The NMNM have showcased several of his works in recent years.