Ten young people recruited to deal with temporary unemployment paperwork

It comes as an original and unprecedented initiative led by the Prince’s Government. Around ten young people have been recruited for the summer to help with the processing of files for Temporary Total Unemployment, known as furlough in the United Kingdom.
Recruited by the Youth Employment Unit and the Committee for Graduate Employment, these young people come from backgrounds in accounting, finance and human resources. They can put their knowledge and skills to good use under the supervision of the Department of Employment. “This unprecedented initiative is part of a hope to open up to the youngest in an economic period during which everyone has a role to play,” declared the Prince’s Government.
Support for the Department of Employment
Faced with applications from Monaco’s businesses, the Department of Labour soon found itself overwhelmed. At the end of June, the Prince’s Government announced its economic recovery plan, which notably includes the extension of the Enhanced Total Temporary Unemployment benefit (known as CTTR in French, or furlough in the UK). This financial support system, dependent on the type of establishment and the date of reopening (if it has indeed reopened), will gradually decrease as of July and August.