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A fifth of countries at risk of ecosystem collapse, says Swiss Re

5th of countries at risk of ecosystem collapse mediterranean
Christine Sandu / Unsplash

According to the Swiss Re report, one-fifth of countries worldwide are at risk of ecosystem collapse, while over half of global GDP depends on high-functioning biodiversity. 

A biodiversity report by insurance firm Swiss Re sounds alarm bells: one-fifth of countries are at risk of ecosystem collapse, while in 39 countries, fragile ecosystems account for more a third of the land. The countries scoring the lowest on biodiversity rankings are Malta, Israel, Cyprus, Bahrain and Kazakhstan. Brazil and Indonesia scored the highest. In Europe, Italy has the lowest score. 


“Fifth of countries globally (20%) are at risk of their ecosystems collapsing due to a decline in biodiversity and related beneficial services,” the report finds. A healthy ecosystem is essential in having access to basic needs, such as food, good air quality, water, etc.

Monaco takes on deforestation

The report took into account the following factors: water security, timber provision, food provision, habitat intactness, pollination, soil fertility, water quality, regulation of air quality and local climate, erosion control, and coastal protection.

“There is a clear need to assess the state of ecosystems so that the global community can minimise further negative impact on economies across the world”, said Christian Mumenthaler, Swiss Re’s Group Chief Executive Officer.

In Monaco, Prince Albert founded His Foundation in 2006 “to address our planet’s alarming environmental situation“. The Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation runs several initiatives, including projects to tackle deforestation and guarantee access to clean water. Discover more about the foundation’s work here.