Monaco’s digital IDs are coming

Monaco has partnered with global specialist in identity and secure digital services IN Groupe to help the country transition to digital IDs.
After launching its very own 5G, a sovereign Cloud, and e-Healthworld, the Principality of Monaco will now transition to digital identity documents. Monaco has partnered with French company IN Groupe to produce biometric passports and electronic IDs, amongst others.
Making admin easier
From 1 September 2021, Monégasques and residents will be able to link a digital identity to their new ID. This identity will allow a “highly secure, simple authentication without the need for additional proof” in any State-related identification process, such as obtaining civil status records online, electronic signature of contracts, etc… The individual’s approval is of course required for the creation of a digital identity.
“More than ever, in the current context the question of identity security, whether physical or digital, remains paramount. Our teams are working hand in hand with Monaco’s Government to guarantee its citizens a simpler, more reliable, and more intelligent daily life,” said Didier Trutt, Chairman and CEO of In Groupe.