
Meet the young Monegasque pianist charming French audiences

Stella Almondo

Stella Almondo makes Monaco proud. On 8 December, she took part in the final of the French talent show “Prodiges” before a jury composed of Julie Fuchs, Marie-Claude Pietragalla, and Gautier Capuçon.

She plays melodies by the greatest composers with unsettling skill. Unfortunately, her virtuosity wasn’t enough to beat Liam, the 15-year-old pianist who won the “Instrument” category in the final of the Prodiges (prodigy), a French children talent show. Interviewed by Monaco Info, the young pianist discussed her “incredible and breathtaking” adventure.


Ces auditions resteront gravées dans ma mémoire

A difficult selection process

Stella started playing piano at 4 and studies under Professor Amédée Briggen at the Conservatoire of Nice. Despite her facility, getting on Prodige was not an easy task. “I audition for the show four times. I had to persevere to get here and I will always remember the casting process,” she said, “The show made me realise that the piano was really what I wanted to do.”

Gautier Capuçon m’a immédiatement proposé de faire un concert avec lui

A performance with Gautier Capuçon scheduled

« Je rêve de devenir concertiste, de partager ma musique, de vivre de ma passion et, dans un futur proche, de rejouer avec l’orchestre. » Tout sourire, l’adolescente monégasque concède avoir « gagné bien plus » que ce qu’elle ne l’espérait. En effet, juste après la finale, « Gautier Capuçon m’a immédiatement proposé de faire un concert avec lui et j’ai pu choisir ma sonate » se réjouit-elle. Les dates seront communiquées très prochainement.