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Top companies including Chanel join campaign against plastic pollution in the sea

The Beyond Plastic Med Foundation (BeMed) has launched a Business Club to develop and implement concrete solutions to address plastic pollution in the Mediterranean.

Some of France and Monaco’s biggest businesses, including, the Monte-Carlo Société des Bains de Mer, Chanel, and supermarket chain Carrefour have already joined the Foundation’s initiative.


The Business Club is intended as a platform to bring together companies along the entire plastics value chain, scientists and NGOs active in this field, in order to tackle the problem at its source.

“The BeMed Business Club is a unique project of its kind, due to its collaborative functioning and its Mediterranean roots,” says the BeMed Foundation. To help companies reduce their plastic pollution, the BeMed Business Club is supported by a committee of experts on the topic.

>> READ ALSO: Plastic pollution could triple by 2040

The Mediterranean: the world’s most polluted sea

BeMed was founded in 2015 by the Prince Albert II Foundation, amongst others, to foster a network of Mediterranean institutions and bodies that actively tackle the area’s plastic pollution. BeMed regularly funds micro-initiatives aimed at reducing Mediterranean plastic waste.

Every year, more than 200,000 tonnes of plastic waste are discarded into the Mediterranean Sea, equivalent to 500 shipping containers per day. With 1 to 10 million plastic particles per km2, the Mediterranean is the most polluted sea in the world.