Monaco’s women’s rights committee: 2020 successes and 2021 projects revealed

The Committee for the Promotion and Protection of Women’s Rights has just published its second annual activity report. A chance to see what changes were made in the Principality last year, and the work to be done in 2021.
Women’s rights are continuing to progress in Monaco, especially since the creation of the Committee for the Promotion and Protection of Women’s rights. Some of their most important work from 2020 includes: an increase in training for professionals on how to receive victims of violence, the publication of the first IMSEE report (Monaco’s Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies) on violence against women, stronger laws regarding sexual assault and awareness campaigns led on the 8 March (International Women’s Day) and 25 November.
Despite the challenges faced during the health crisis, the Princely Government has remained committed to promoting and protecting women’s rights. Along with related organisations in the Principality, advancing women’s rights is still a top priority, even in the face of so much adversity.
>> READ ALSO: Monaco and violence against women in 2020
The desire to protect and promote women’s rights has never been stronger as in the Covid-19 pandemic
Chairman of the Committee Laurent Anselmi
What are their plans for 2021?
After already achieving so much, the Committee for the Promotion and Protection of Women’s rights are continuing in their fight for a better future. In 2021, they will focus on raising awareness about equality, challenging stereotypes and changing ways of thinking. As well as this, the committee will educate young people on equality and create a network of women opinion leaders.
Monaco’s Inter-ministerial Delegate for Women’s Rights, Céline Cottalorda, assures that “the Committee will move into 2021 with the same mindset as always. Flexibility, conviction and perseverance will be the keys to success.”