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Covid-19: tougher border controls, vaccine roll-out and testing

Government of Monaco / Stéphane Danna

Over 3000 border checks, several new cases of Covid-19 and slow progress with the vaccination campaign… taking a closer look at the Principality’s figures from this weekend.

As cases rise and the Alpes-Maritimes region is tightening its restrictions, anyone attempting to cross the border will be aware of Monaco’s heightened response to the pandemic. Last weekend, the Principality increased checks on vehicles crossing the border, conducting 3079 controls compared to approximately 2500 the weekend before. In total, 285 vehicles were refused entry. Passengers coming into the Monaco-Monte-Carlo train station were also controlled, resulting in 40 people being turned away by authorities.


Positivity rate is decreasing

As border checks continue, so does testing for the virus. On Monday 8 March, five more people tested positive for Covid-19. In terms of hospital admissions, there are now 40 people being treated in the Princess Grace Hospital with 11 of these patients in intensive care. In better news, the positivity rate for the virus fell to 4.48% last week. Figures showed it was at 5.19% the week before.

22.23% of the Principality has been vaccinated

On Thursday 4 March, 8449 people in the Principality (22.23% of the population) had received a dose of the vaccine. This is a very slight progress from the week before, when 21.58% of the population had received their vaccine. However, two doses are required for full protection. As of the 4 March, 7163 of all those vaccinated had received both jabs, meaning 84.78% of Monaco’s residents are fully protected from the disease. In France, only 5.79% of the population have had their vaccine and just 2.87% of people have received both. As cases are rising along the Côte-d’Azur, Nice have ramped up their vaccination campaign, giving 13,000 people a dose this weekend, taking the total to 48,000.

For people returning from holidays, the Princely Government is asking that they take a coronavirus test once they are home. Anyone needing a test should call the Covid-19 Call Centre on 92 05 55 00.