Could you be the next Palace Guard in Monaco?

The recruitment campaign for new additions to the Compagnie des Carabiniers du Prince, the infantry branch of the Prince’s military, has just begin. Infantry positions with a 2022 start date will be filled by candidates who meet the list of criteria.
Being part of the Prince’s military is no small matter. Those lucky few who succeed in joining the infantry will be responsable for ensuring a peaceful environment and the safety of both the Princely Family and the whole of Monaco. A life as one of the Prince’s guards will be filled with emotion, learning experiences and opportunities to attend all kinds of events.
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A list of criteria to meet
Not just anybody can become a Palace Guard. For those hoping to become one of the 119 men in charge of protecting the Princely Family, they must meet the following criteria: be either French or Monégasque, aged 19 to 27, single for the one year probation period, measure between 1.80m to 2m and have no visible tattoos.
Further requirements include being fit and healthy, having good eyesight and being able to swim. Candidates must also have taken part in Defence and Citizenship Day, as well as have a BMI measuring between 19 and 25 and a driver’s licence.
For anyone that is not put off by this long list of requirements, then an application can be submitted to the Compagnie des carabiniers du Prince before the 30 June.