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Covid-19: further restrictions eased in Monaco

Government of Monaco

The government in Monaco have announced that the current Covid-19 safety measures will remain in place until the 16 May 2021. However, some rules are relaxed from this Monday 3 May.

As the spread of the virus begins to slow, the Principality is gradually returning to life as we know it. Whilst this is good news, the government has made it clear that “the decrease is less accelerated than last autumn, so we must stay vigilant.” As well as this, the incidence rate is not making a linear decrease either. It dropped by two thirds in the space of a month, but rose to 86.05 last week, compared to the 62.5 it measured on the week beginning the 12 April. In terms of the vaccine rollout, 13,289 people (34.65% of Monaco’s population) have received their first dose of the vaccine.


The 9pm-6am curfew will remain in place for another two weeks and employees will continue to be required to work from home. However, from the 3 May onwards, some rules will be relaxed in the Principality.

New rules for indoor sport and restaurants

As of today, residents, workers and hotel guests will all be able to go out to cafés for breakfast. As well as this, restaurants will be allowed to serve food until 10pm, but only to residents and hotel guests. Indoor sport can also resume as long as strict safety protocols are followed and shops now only have to allow 4m2 per customer instead of 6m2. However, masks remain mandatory and social distancing measures must still be followed.

During the next Joint Monitoring Committee meeting, afternoon food service in cafes and the reopening of swimming pools will be discussed according to the National Council.

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