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The Sixty Nine: a new virtual internship platform helping Monaco’s students

Virtual student internships

Inspire the next generation of future leaders and challenge attitudes towards female empowerment, sustainability and innovation, The Sixty Nine is a new online platform with these two goals in mind. Supported by the International University of Monaco, this latest innovation will provide students with virtual internships with some of the leading companies in today’s global market.

For over a year now, the Covid-19 pandemic and the subsequent economic crisis have made it much more difficult for students to gain work experience and secure placements. As working from home has become more common and safety measures remain in place, the number of internships available on the job market has massively reduced.


“Since March 2020, the number of internships offered to our students has fallen by 60%, as companies had difficulties planning ahead and were not able to “welcome” interns in their offices,” explained Sophie de Lorenzo, Director of Career Services and Corporate Relations at the International University of Monaco in a recent press release. In support of this virtual internship platform, it is hoped that The Sixty Nine will be able to put the university’s talented and motivated students in touch with innovative companies.

Collaborating on business projects from anywhere in the world

Interns will have access to a programme covering a variety of topics including female empowerment and wealth management, as well as lessons on mindfullness and yoga to help with personal development. “By allowing talented and ambitious young people to work together from anywhere in the world, be it at home, university or the office, at any time of day, we are creating a platform that establishes an advantageous system,” explained Craig Neale, Chief Marketing and Commercial Officer of The Sixty Nine, in a recent press release.