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In brief

Covid-19: a mortality rate of 1.1% in the Principality


The IMSEE recently published its latest study on the developments in the health situation in the Principality.

As of August 1st, the number of cumulative cases in the Principality was 2891, which represents 7.5% of the resident population. Of these cases, 97 were vaccinated with the second dose.


8.7% of cases required hospitalisation, i.e. 251 people. Of these, 48 were in intensive care.

The number of deaths was 33 people, 16 males and 17 females, which represents 1.1% of cumulative cases. The average age of death was 83.5 years and almost 85% of the deceased residents were aged 75 years and over.

The vaccination campaign bears fruit

The campaign started on 31 December 2020, and as of 1 August, almost 23,000 first injections and almost 20,000 second doses have been administered. Nearly half of the first injections and less than 55% of the second doses are for residents aged 55 and over.

On the impact of vaccination on positive cases, the proportion of cases requiring hospitalisation was 49% for those vaccinated once, 32% for the non-vaccinated, but fell to 25% for residents vaccinated with both doses.

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