Tourism in full swing in the region

Encouraging figures for the Principality and the PACA region marked by the return of some nationalities.
Hotels in Monaco recorded 70% occupancy in July, compared to 39% last year. Sandrine Camia, Deputy Director at Monaco Government Tourist Authority, welcomes this result, speaking to Monaco Info: “on the whole, hotels have increased their rates, which is an excellent sign in the current context“. In the PACA region, the Regional Tourism Committee (CRT) observes the same figures, with an occupancy rate of 69%.
Positive figures owed to the relaxation of measures for certain areas, notably for the vaccinated, and spurred by Nice airport. At the European level, French, Belgian and Swiss tourists answer the call of the Côte d’Azur. And internationally, American and Middle Eastern clients are visiting.
A touristic area
These are important results, as François de Canson (President of CRT PACA) underlines: “this is good news for the professionals of our region who, let’s not forget, are bearing the brunt of the restrictions linked to the health crisis for almost a year and a half“.
A reassuring July for the region where “tourism usually accounts for 10% of jobs and 13% of GDP, these results are very promising”.