A much-awaited exhibition for the Week of the Italian language in the world

The 21st Week of the Italian Language in the World takes place from October 18 to 25, 2021, on the theme of “Dante the Italian”, whose 700th anniversary is being celebrated.
Parla italiano? The majority of Monegasques do! It is therefore only natural that the Week of the Italian language in the world should have a special resonance in the Principality. Today and tomorrow, the “Dante l’Italien” exhibition is open to the public from 10 am to 9 pm at the CREM (Club des Résidents Étrangers de Monaco – Club for Foreign Residents in Monaco).
Until tomorrow, October 20, you can still catch the “MCCLXV” exhibition (reference to the poet Dante Alighieri’s year of birth, 1265) presented by the artist Benedetta Brachetti Peretti. She is exhibiting her new collection of works in Murano glass: 25 fabulous pieces representing in turn Dante’s world, the sea, the sky and ancient Egypt.
For me, the MCCLXV collection (…), is not only a celebration in memory of the Sommo Poeta (Poet Supreme – Ed.), it is also a fabulous opportunity to create and exhibit objects through which I can recount some of my fondest memories as a teenager and one of my great passions: Egyptian culture,” explains Benedetta Brachetti Peretti.
© AMP Monaco/Salvatore Rugolo © AMP Monaco/Salvatore Rugolo © AMP Monaco/Salvatore Rugolo
Then make your way to a performance of the “Dante Symphonie” concerto by Franz Liszt, this Tuesday, October 19 at 8:30 pm in the Auditorium Rainier III. It will be performed by pianists Monica Leone and Michele Campanella, and the famous Sonia Bergamasco will read passages from The Divine Comedy. On October 22 and 25, you can also attend the “Dante nell’Opera italiana” Opera recital and the “Fisarmony” concerto.