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In brief

The Principality in colours of Bavaria for Oktoberfest


Oktoberfest, the Bavarian beer festival, is coming to the Principality.

The Marché de la Condamine will be decked out in Bavarian colours for two days! The Oktoberfest, the famous German festival, will take place at the Marché de la Condamine on Friday 8 and Saturday 9 October from 7pm.


For this Bavarian-themed weekend, the Tyrolfest orchestra will seek to create a typical atmosphere and shopkeepers will offer traditional dishes, not forgetting the legendary drink that is the source of the festivities.

To take part in the beer festival at the Marché de la Condamine, you must reserve your place directly with the merchants in the market hall.

A Bavarian brasserie in Monaco

The Oktoberfest will continue on 15 October at the Yacht Club de Monaco. The site will be transformed into a Bavarian brasserie for the evening, to the delight of the German-speaking community. For the occasion, women will wear the traditional dirndl dress and men the lederhose.

For more information, head to the Yacht Club de Monaco website.