The Prince Albert II Foundation presents Planetary Health Awards

These awards are attributed each year in the fields of water, biodiversity and global warming.
The 14th edition of the event was held in the Salle des Princes at the Grimaldi Forum on October 29. The Prince Albert II Foundation recognised the three winners of the Planetary Health Awards, before awarding scholarships to IPCC students to support their research on climate change and living soils.
The evening concluded with an environmental performance, “The Way of the Rain – Hope for Earth”, in honour of the Foundation’s fifteenth anniversary.

Water Award
Young Canadian activist Autumn Peltier, the Anishinabek Nation Chief Water Commissioner, was recognised for her commitment to providing access to safe drinking water for indigenous peoples in Canada. “No child should ever go without clean water for any period of time,” said the young woman.
Biodiversity Award
The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystems Services (IPBES) was recognised for its work on the state of knowledge about the world’s biodiversity, about ecosystems and the contributions they make to people. Its work on tools and methods to protect and sustainably use this vital natural capital was also highlighted. Its Executive Secretary, Annie Larigauderie, said during the ceremony: “Now it’s time to act on the science! »
Climate change Award
The non-profit organisation GreenWave was singled out for its support of regenerative ocean farmers in the age of climate change. It also creates viable market opportunities to ensure their long-term success. Its founder, Bren Smith, said in particular: “We can give up, flee and let the planet slowly die, or our communities can work with the ocean to invent a better future, one where we can all make a living on a living planet.”