“A fairer and more human world”: Prince Albert II’s wishes for the New Year

The Sovereign Prince paid tribute to the work of healthcare workers and law enforcement agencies in response to the pandemic.
“Pause” , “recharge our batteries”, “our fight… goes on”… The Covid-19 pandemic once again featured prominently in Prince Albert II’s New Year’s greetings this year.
The Sovereign Prince first of all called on the population to observe barrier gestures and to get vaccinated, “our only truly effective weapon” against the virus. “We must act responsibly in the face of this epidemic.”
“It is my firm belief that if we continue to show solidarity with each other, the year 2022 will be a further step forward on the path to a fairer and more human pre-pandemic world” said the Prince, who also praised the efforts of healthcare workers, security forces, public institutions and the private sector in the fight against Covid-19.
Among the other topics mentioned was the environmental crisis, a primary concern for the Prince and his Foundation. “We have a responsibility to future generations… the economic, social and environmental situation we bequeath to them depends on the actions we take today.”
Prince Albert II closed his greetings, on behalf of the Princely Family, by pledging that the Principality would fulfil its duties and commitments towards its population.