VIDEO. Hotel Métropole has ‘Best sustainability policy for hotels in the World’

The establishment was recognised during the 2021 edition of the Prix Villégiature.
A “Green Attitude” is the objective. Since 2007, the Métropole Monte-Carlo hotel has been committed to following this environmentally-responsible philosophy.
Our journalist Benoit Sorre met Elodie Robert, Executive Assistant and Quality, Hygiene and Environment Manager. She listed some of the actions that the hotel has put in place as part of a more environmentally-friendly approach.
“We’ve gone as paper-free as possible, we ditched single-use plastics. We have a Kids Club where we decided to raise our clients’ children’s awareness of the environment.“, she explained. A “Sea You at M” cocktail has even been created to raise funds for the Oceanographic Museum. Numerous other measures were implemented, to encourage both hotel staff and guests to be more responsible.