PHOTOS. Prince’s Palace Renaissance frescoes unveiled for reopening

July 1st marks the reopening of the Princely Palace with two major new features to celebrate the event: the discovery of Renaissance frescoes and a refurbishment of the State Apartments.
Patience will finally be rewarded. Nine years after the discovery of the first Renaissance fresco and after several years of restoration work, some 600m² of frescoes have been exposed.

From 1 July, these remarkable frescoes will be visible to the general public. The most beautiful paintings can be seen in the Galerie d’Hercule, where the frescoes were discovered for the first time, but also in the salon Matignon, renamed the Chamber of Europe thanks to the wonderful medallion representing the mythological episode of the abduction of Europe.

The Throne Room is not to be outdone, since it has a painted scene of Ulysses in Nekuia, along with signs of the Zodiac and the months’ labours.

That’s not all, a refurbishment of the State Apartments has been carried out, and remarkable works of art have been added. For example, the Green Antechamber now houses paintings by Jacopo Bassano, Orazio de Ferrari and Philippe de Champaigne, which were recently bought by Prince Albert II.

SEE ALSO: Book your tickets for concerts at the Prince’s Palace
The Prince’s Palace will remain open until 15 October for €10, €5 for children and students. Why not use that time to discover the magnificent palace and its new frescoes, and learn more about the history of the Grimaldi Family through magnificent works of art.