The Ukrainian crisis, at the heart of Monaco’s global concerns

Isabelle Berro-Amadeï, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, has been on the international stage over the past few days to safeguard peace and food security, and to discuss the war in Ukraine.
“The health of all peoples is a fundamental prerequisite for world peace and security,” Ms Berro-Amadeï stated in Geneva at the 75th World Health Assembly from 22 to 28 May. She also expressed, on behalf of the Principality, her total solidarity with the Ukrainian people. To this end, and in order to better protect the population, she called for the protection of the civilian population and health workers, but also for the safeguard of civilian and health infrastructures.
SEE ALSO: Ukraine: Russians from Monaco and the French Riviera testify
Food prices are constantly on the increase, not least because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, a major wheat exporter. In an attempt to curb this dynamic, Isabelle Berro-Amadeï participated in the Mediterranean Ministerial Dialogue on the food security crisis, which was organised by Italy on June 8. The meeting brought together Ministers from the Mediterranean rim, but also heads of UN agencies.
While the world’s food security is at the forefront of Monaco’s concerns, accounting for one third of its official development aid, the Principality has called for an immediate end to the blockade on Black Sea ports, so as to allow Ukrainian grain exports. These measures would alleviate the food pressures on the most vulnerable countries.
Equally pressing: the climate crisis
Climate change exacerbates even further the food insecurity that threatens the planet. The fiftieth anniversary of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment provided an opportunity to take stock of the progress made and what remains to be done to halt climate change and loss of biodiversity.
Isabelle Berro-Amadeï called for “building on the momentum of the Stockholm Declaration 50 years ago and addressing global challenges for the survival and prosperity of future generations” while strengthening environmental multilateralism.