In brief

Your questions: how much does it cost to create an SCI in Monaco?

Monaco Tribune

More and more of you are sending us questions via our social media or directly in our mailbox – keep it up, it’s always great to hear from you! Today, we are answering those of you who have asked about the cost of creating and filing an application to start up a Monaco real estate company (SCI). 

To answer this specific question, we called on Aymeric Pazzaglia, associate director of the Monaco consulting firm vk*p.


“The cost depends on what the professional advisor charges,” he tells us. “There is no standard fee and the professional advisor who is retained will apply his or her fee, which may be reviewed depending on the complexity of the structure to be created. It is therefore on a case-by-case basis. In our own case, we apply a minimum rate of €1,600 excl. tax + 20% VAT. If the circumstances are unusual and the rules to be put in place are complicated, this baseline may be increased by 30 to 40%. In addition, registration fees are determined according to the Company’s share capital.”

If you have a question for us, by all means get in touch !