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Prince Albert II and Princess Charlene visit Pope Francis

le prince et la princesse avec le pape françois
Vatican Media

On Wednesday, July 20, the Sovereign Pontiff and the Princely Couple spoke for almost half an hour. 

Their last meeting was in 2016. It is in the Library of the Apostolic Palace that Pope Francis received Prince Albert II and Princess Charlene, who chose not to wear a white mantilla, even though it is her privilege, one reserved for Catholic queens or wives of a Catholic sovereign. The Princely Couple was accompanied by Isabelle Berro-Amadei, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Claude Giordan, Monaco’s ambassador to the Vatican.

The princely couple and Pope Francis were accompanied by Isabelle Berro-Amadeï, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Claude Giordan, Monaco’s ambassador to the Vatican. © Photo: Vatican Media

SEE ALSO: Vatican Secretary of State visits Monaco for the first time in history

Vatican News reports that the half-hour private audience was followed by an exchange of gifts. Pope Francis gave the Princely Couple a bronze work of art depicting a child helping another to stand up, with the inscription Amare Aiutare ( Love, Help). In return, the Prince and Princess gave the Sovereign Pontiff an engraving depicting the chapel at the Palace of Monaco.

July 20 was Prince Albert II and Princess Charlene’s fourth visit to the Vatican.