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Monkey pox vaccination now available in Monaco

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Residents can ask to be vaccinated as a preventive measure or after potential exposure.

Monkey pox is continuing to spread. The Principality recorded its first case of the virus at the end of July. To date, three positive cases have been reported in Monaco, including one resident. They all recovered without any significant complications.


Monaco has acquired a stock of JYNNEOS vaccines to cover the population, so as to curb the spread of the disease. Residents can now be vaccinated at the Monegasque Screening Centre located at the Princess Grace Hospital.

The virus, which is similar to smallpox, causes fever, muscle ache, fatigue, possible swelling of the lymph nodes and an extensive skin rash. The disease is contagious from the onset of symptoms, and recovery takes two to four weeks .

Vaccination is therefore recommended for adults who have been in direct contact with a sick person, but also as a preventive measure for the groups that are more exposed to the disease. In 90% of cases, the disease is contracted during sexual intercourse.

For more information and to make an appointment: +377 97 98 84 12