Hotel and catering industry adopts new minimum wage scale

The trade unions had been meeting for several months to review the wages on offer within the professions.
There had been no agreement on minimum wages in the Monaco Hotel Convention until now. On Friday 18th October, a compromise was finally reached between the Hotels, Cafés and Restaurants union, the Cooks and Pastry Chefs union and the Association des Industries Hotelières Monégasques (Monegasque Hospitality Industries Association).
Now the different professions have a salary scale that is modelled on that of the French HCRs (Hotels, Cafés, Restaurants). While based on the French scale, pay may be higher in Monaco than in France, as the scale only indicates a minimum salary.
SEE ALSO: Solution found to thorny issue between Monegasque and French taxis
The Government welcomed the signature of this agreement, for which the Department of Social Affairs and Health acted as mediator. It hopes that the constructive dialogue will continue, so as to improve working conditions for the profession in the near future.