Prince’s Carabinieri record national anthem in Monegasque

A recording that is part of a project for an album in 2023!
For 55 years, the Prince’s Carabinieri has “provided the soundtrack” to life on the Rock, whether it be on Prince’s Day, for ceremonies, when ambassadors’ letters of credence are presented, or during the changing of the guard at 11.55 am every day. An album, due for release in 2023, aims to immortalise these pieces, which have acquired great heritage value over the years.

The national anthem will be sung on it in Monegasque. It was recorded in mid-October by a military choir of 35 singers “mainly musicians from the Orchestra who have a natural ability to sing in tune and in time, but also volunteers”, explains Major Olivier Drean, the Prince’s Carabinieri Orchestra’s conductor for the past nine years.
At his side: Sylvain Denis from SYDE & sound studio and Karyn Ardisson Salopek. The former teacher of Monegasque in the Principality’s schools made sure that the lyrics were pronounced correctly. Especially since the Prince’s Carabinieri are French and may not have been taught the Monegasque language.

“This recording was a real challenge,” admits the conductor, who explains that while the anthem is played by the Prince’s Carabinieri every National Day, on 19 November, it has only been sung for five or six years.
Usually, the Carabiniers rehearse in their main barracks on Boulevard de Belgique, but they proudly and happily laid down the tracks for the future album at the Prince’s Palace, which was transformed into a proper temporary recording studio. An “exceptional” recording which, the conductor hopes, “can also be used by the new recruits to learn the anthem”.
SEE ALSO: Could you become one of the Prince’s Carabinieri?
Until 2023 comes round, here is a short video with a phonetic version of the national anthem’s lyrics. Major Olivier Drean created it at the beginning of lockdown to help Monegasques and residents sing it as they stood at their windows at 8pm.
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