Monaco heavily involved in COP 27, a crucial conference for the environment

Egypt is hosting the 27th United Nations conference in Sharm el-Sheikh from 6 to 18 November.
Many hopes are pinned on COP 27. With very few countries having reached the targets set out in the Paris agreements signed at COP 21 in 2015, COP 27 is one of the last hopes for containing global warming and cooperating at a global level.
A large majority of bodies are alarmed by global warming, from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to the United Nations. The latter’s Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, condemns “climate chaos” with its lot of increasingly frequent natural disasters and ever higher record temperatures.
Monegasque stakeholders, providing solutions
The Minister of State took part in the opening of COP 27, representing Monaco, a Principality that is very committed to climate issues. The Centre Scientifique de Monaco (Monaco Scientific Centre – CSM) is also represented by Dr Nathalie Hilmi, research officer and head of the Environmental Economics section at the CSM. She also was involved in writing the IPCC report, particularly on issues related to the ocean and cryosphere.
For the first time, an Ocean Pavilion has been set up in the “Blue Zone”, the nerve centre of the COP, where only national delegations can enter and negotiate. Nathalie Hilmi will be involved in the new Pavilion, whose aim is to raise awareness of the ocean’s important role in global warming, along with other international research institutions.
“Nature-inspired solutions are options for mitigating climate change or adapting to its negative effects. Blue carbon and other marine biological processes are part of the solution to the ecological and socio-economic impacts of climate-related changes in the ocean,” said Nathalie Hilmi.
The Prince Albert II Foundation will also be organising an event in the Mediterranean Pavilion, with Dr Hilmi taking part.