In Monaco, paper receipts soon to be a thing of the past

The Government is gradually rolling out its measures to cut pollution and achieve zero plastic in the Principality by 2030.
Waste and plastic will be more and more rare in 2023. As of 1 January, the Prince’s Government will ban cash register and bank card receipts. They will no longer be given systematically, but only if requested by the customer.
Similarly, from 1 January, it will be compulsory to serve sit-in meals in restaurants using reusable tableware.
These two new measures supplement others that have come into force in recent years as part of the “Monaco Waste Prevention and Management Plan for 2030”. Recently, the ban on free disposable cutlery and drinks in meal deals had already impacted consumers’ daily lives.
The new regulations have also made it possible for all consumers to be served in their own reusable container and have made reusable tableware mandatory in canteens and for take-away meals.
To help Monaco’s stakeholders comply with these two new measures, the Principality is providing support by signing up to the “Commerces et Restaurants engagés’ label (Committed Shops and Restaurants).
The Government has announced that checks will be carried out in January to ensure that the new regulations are being implemented correctly.