Prince Albert II and Princess Stephanie support fight against AIDS

The Prince and Princess visited the Oceanographic Museum to pay tribute to the victims of the virus on Thursday 1st December, World AIDS Day,
It took 170 hours of work for the members of Fight Aids Monaco to create the quilts that were on show on Thursday 1 December at the Oceanographic Museum. Prince Albert II came to support the cause, along with Princess Stéphanie, who is the founder and Director of the charity.

“Each person paints a canvas to honour an HIV victim. The works are then assembled in groups of eight to create a quilt,” Corinne Bedoiseau explained to Monaco Info. The volunteer added that this initiative originated in the United States and has gained ground around the world over time. “This year the quilts are full of colour,” Princess Stephanie noted.
Three deaths within the charity
Also speaking to Monaco Info, the Princess said that, sadly, there had been three deaths within the charity this year. “These are people we have been working with, in some cases, for almost 20 years. It is always painful when the disease takes them,” she said.
Fight Aids Monaco is organising a sale of greetings cards in partnership with the Monegasque Red Cross. The funds will be used to help people who are alone during the festive season. They are on sale on the Monegasque Red Cross e-store and at the organisation’s head office for €2.50 each.