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An emotional closure for Stars’N’Bars

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© Monaco Tribune

As announced in November, Stars’N’Bars closed down for good on 27 January. A final party was organised to bid farewell to the establishment. 

4.30 pm and only a few hours to go until Stars’N’Bars would close for the last time. Before closing an significant chapter, Didier Rubiolo and his team are organising a final party in the establishment, and everybody is invited.


“Stars’N’Bars has had 2,300 employees in 30 years. I know that some people are paying me a surprise visit from far away, they have already booked their flights,” smiles the co-founder of the establishment. “We created something incredible over these 30 years. (…) Kate’s spirit will be here tonight, with the whole team,” he continues, speaking of his former partner, Kate Powers, who died in 2021 and with whom he founded Stars’N’Bars in 1993.

Didier Rubiolo and Kate Powers on the opening day of Star’N’Bars – © Stars’N’Bars

Didier Rubiolo admits that he has “not yet realised” that his business is closing. It has to be said that these are not quiet times for the owner. The closure is happening at the same time as a future opening, a new concept establishment that will replace Star’N’Bars.

The first removals began this weekend. The address is unchanged: 6, quai Antoine Ier will be the newcomer’s home. For the moment, there is little information except that in November 2022, Didier Rubiolo had already planned “a two-month closure at the end of January.” “We are going to go from 800 covers/day to a maximum of 200 customers, but that’s a deliberate choice,” he added.

Good news for his team: the staff will remain the same for the new venture. ” The Stars, it’s really a family,” says Thomas Gabrieli, the front-of-house manager. “The aim is to keep the same team, the same structure. A different concept but with the same soul,” he explains.