In brief

Monsignor Bernard Barsi: day of mourning in the Principality

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Prince Albert II and Princess Charlene attended the funeral of Monsignor Bernard Barsi, on Wednesday 4th January. ©Communication Department / Michael Alesi

Monsignor Barsi’s funeral was held on Wednesday 4 January. 

The funeral of the Archbishop Emeritus of Monaco, who passed away on 28 December , took place in Monaco Cathedral. Prince Albert II, Princess Charlene, the Princess of Hanover and all the clergy paid a final tribute to Monsignor Bernard Barsi.

© Communication Department / Michael Alesi

“He was a man of quality, a man who knew how to be close to everyone (…) He knew how to show his attachment to people in a discreet but real way,” said Dominique-Marie David, Archbishop of Monaco, speaking to Monaco Info.

© Communication Department / Michael Alesi

Archbishop Bernard Barsi is the second archbishop of the Principality to be buried in Monaco Cathedral, after Archbishop Joseph Sardou, who died in 2009.