Floods in Emilia Romagna: the Sovereign conveys condolences to Italian people

To date, 14 people have died and 40,000 have been evacuated.
On Friday 19th May, Prince Albert II sent an official dispatch to the President of the Italian Republic, Sergio Mattarella, in which the Sovereign expressed his support in the light of the floods that the Emilia Romagna region has been subjected to for several days.
According to the latest figures, 14 people have died as a result of the floods and 40,000 have been evacuated and displaced. There have also been 305 landslides in the region, engulfing thousands of homes, and cutting off 500 roads.
The Sovereign therefore wished to send a message to the Italian President:
“Mr. President,
It is with great emotion and sadness that I learned of the tragedy Your Country is facing as a result of the floods in Emilia-Romagna. This event is further evidence of the increasing intensity of natural disasters facing our planet. On behalf of the Principality of Monaco and my Family, I wish to convey my sincere condolences to the people of Italy who have lost so many lives, with many still missing. Our thoughts and prayers also go out to those who are displaced, to the emergency services and to all those who are helping the victims. Be assured, Mr. President, of our profound solidarity.”