Sud regional council announces more trains between Cannes and Monaco

Renaud Muselier says the aim is to “double the number of trains without spending a single extra euro”.
Good news for all commuters: at the plenary session of the Regional Council on Friday 23 June, Renaud Muselier announced an increase in service volumes over the next two years.
Speaking from the Regional Council’s headquarters in Marseille, the President of the Sud Region said: “On the Marseille-Toulon-Nice line, we will have increased the number of trains per day from seven to fourteen by 1 July 2025. We are also going to buy sixteen new trains at a cost of 250 million euros, in order to provide passengers with the most comfortable journey possible. »
As for the “étoile azuréenne“, or Riviera star i.e. the Cannes-Grasse, Les Arcs-Vintimille and Nice-Tende lines,”on 13 December 2024, we will increase the number of round trips per day from 69 to 120.”
A train every fifteen minutes
Finally, on the Cannes-Nice-Monaco line, “there will be a train every quarter of an hour from 6am to 11pm. This will be the first metropolitan RER outside of Paris. Across the entire network, the number of trains per day will rise from the current 590 to 750 in 2025.”
Follow this link to see the plenary session in full.